If you are traveling or planning to travel to Florence, do not forget to read Regione Toscana official updates about Covid-19. Regione Toscana is the region where the city of Florence is located. In this particular period, it is important to be informed about specific protocols that are implemented in public places to protect everyone’s health.

What should I do to ensure I have a safe trip?
Here are some straightforward rules to help contain infection from Coronavirus.

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based gel
  • Avoid close contact with people, keeping a distance of at least 1.8 metres
  • Do not shake hands or hug until the emergency has subsided
  • Do not touch your mouth, eyes or/and nose with your hands
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when you sneeze or cough, or sneeze or cough into the inner fold of your elbow
  • If you have flu-like symptoms, do not go to the hospital emergency room or to a doctor’s surgery; call the freephone number 1500
  • Clean surfaces with chlorine- or alcohol-based disinfectants
  • Use face protection during all social contact
  • Do not share bottles and glasses, especially during exercising
  • Do not take antiviral medication or antibiotics unless prescribed by a doctor
  • MADE IN CHINA products and packages from China are not hazardous.
  • Pets do not spread the new Coronavirus. It is always good practice to wash your hands after being in contact with animals.

Read more on Visit Tuscany